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Solutions and Examples

Here, you find an overview of solutions and examples in the Picturepark Content Platform. Those solutions are tagged and linked to from the Picturepark Administration manual.

Space Index

0-9 ... 0 A ... 1 B ... 10 C ... 17 D ... 31 E ... 2
F ... 27 G ... 0 H ... 3 I ... 0 J ... 0 K ... 0
L ... 0 M ... 0 N ... 0 O ... 3 P ... 0 Q ... 0
R ... 0 S ... 28 T ... 5 U ... 0 V ... 0 W ... 0
X ... 0 Y ... 0 Z ... 0 !@#$ ... 0    



Page: API: Request List Item with Variables
Products, events or projects & campaigns are stored in Picturepark in Lists as List Items. For integrating external systems e.g. PIM or event platforms or webshops you can get all list items from Picturepark via get Get Many List Items https://demo.pictur


Page: Batch Editor: Add a tag to three of the selected Content Items
Goal: I want to add a tag to three Content Items in my selection. Video Grammarly Anchor Window - 2025-02-18_13-52-25.mp4 I selected ten items for batch editing. Under Metadata, I see an overview of Assigned Layers and Available Layers for the ten selecte
Page: Batch Editor: Update a Subset of a Filtered Selection
Goal: I want to update some Content Items in the Batch Editor, only a sub selection of which have a specific layer assigned. Video Grammarly Anchor Window - 2025-02-18_13-41-41.mp4 I select ten items for batch editing. Under Metadata, I see an overview of
Page: Business Rule: Assign Number Sequence with Format on Creation of Content Item
Prerequisites A created Number Sequence Trigger The trigger point (check Triggers in Business Rule Settings): Should trigger on a content creation -> Action Create We want to modify the document -> Execution scope Main doc Condition Goal: All files upload
Page: Business Rule: Copy Metadata
Goal: copy metadata from a migration layer to the correct metadata layer Trigger The trigger point (check Triggers in Business Rule Settings): Should trigger on a content modification -> Action Update We want to modify the document -> Execution scope Main
Page: Business Rule: File Name Parsing to Fieldsets
To categorize our content we can select to update product, event or corporate information. Lets focus on managing product information in Picturepark. Some content is about products. Some content is only about the product line, the industry, or the end-use
Page: Business Rule: Filename Parser
Goal: parse the filename of items on upload and tag the Content Items in Picturepark with the product tag Analysis a layer which can be assigned to the content (“Product information” layer) list of products and their code (“Products” list) “rule” to split
Page: Business Rule: Filename parsing for product codes
Goal: Looks for a Product Code in the Filename (needs to be at the beginning and 14 char long, needs to start with either F-, G- or V-). If found the Product tag gets assigned. Condition For images only MatchRegexCondition produces a dictionary of groups
Page: Business Rule: Notification for contents expiring in 10 days
Prerequisites A created Notification informing the owner that their content will expire in 10 days. A created Schedule for when you would like this Bus
Page: Business Rule: Setup Auto-Tagging
Content Platform supports AI auto tagging using Azure The configured output of an image is sent to Azure for AI tagging. Tags are written into the Image Analytics Layer which will appear in
Page: Business Rule: Trigger assigns Permission Set
Goal: On the execution of a trigger field, a permission set should be assigned to publish the content to other users. Analysis Condition: depending on the trigger field’s date changing Action: assign a specific permission set Business Rule Setup Trigger


Page: Channel Filter: Show Images with Copyright Information
This will filter for all Content Items which have the Content Schema "Image Metadata" assigned and for all Content Items which have the Layer "Copyright Information" assigned. { "kind": "AndFilter", "filters": [ { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "contentS
Page: Channel Filter: Show Items not Triggered in a Fieldset
Goal: Show Content Items which have a fieldset in metadata in which you find a trigger field e.g. a status field like approved, checked, reviewed, completed. Now show the items which are not triggered (not approved, not reviewed etc.) Picturepark setup La
Page: Channel Filter: Show Items that have Product Layer Assigned
Filter for Content Items that have the Layer "Product Inflormation" assigned. { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "layerSchemaIds", "term": "CopyrightInformation" } The special field: layerSchemaIds has the Layer names stored as a value for easy access.
Page: Channel Filter: Show Items with any Tag in a Tagbox
Filter for Content Items that have any tag in a tagbox "Events" assigned. { "kind": "NestedFilter", "path": "", "filter": { "kind": "ExistsFilter", "field": "" } } Exists check if
Page: Channel Filter: Show Items with Two Specific Tags
Filter for Content Items that have “Main Shot” or “Product Shot” assigned in the tagbox “Media type”. { "kind": "OrFilter", "filters": [ { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "basicInformation.mediaType._refId", "term": "648b76b163654189be7b6638b31fb243" }, {
Page: Channel Filter: Show New Items Only (based on EXIF)
Goal: Content Items that have been created in the last month, to only have the newest content produced for tagging and further enrichment. Limitation This channel filter example uses EXIF data (technical (camera) data). Not all files have EXIF data, so
Page: Channel Filter: Show only transparent images
For the connector “” it makes sense to enable users to filter for transparent images that the connector created, whether or not they are related to the original. This can be achieved with the following filter. Useful for Remove b
Page: Channel Filter: Show Only Word Documents
Goal: Channel with only Microsoft Office Word Documents. Limitation This channel filter example uses File Type Metadata from Schemas > Files > Document (path: /schemas/file-types/DocumentMetadata). Picturepark Setup Layer: DocumentMetadata (System Schem
Page: Channel Filter: Show Virtual Type in Channel
Show only Virtual Type "Press Kit" with Layer "Publishing Information" in a Channel. { "kind": "AndFilter", "filters": [ { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "contentSchemaId", "term": "PressKit" }, { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "layerSchemaIds", "term": "
Page: Channel Is Not Visible
Problem: If the new channel is not visible in the UI in the Channel Dropdown then you may have not entered the correct grantedUserRoleIds for the User Role you are logged in as. Open the Channel Edit Settings Check "View for All" Validate if you can see i
Page: Channel not Accessible
Problem: If the channel is not accessible with a saved bookmark the Channel was probably removed. Open Settings Check if the Channel is there or contact your Picturepark Admin.
Page: Channel Setting: Show Search Advice in Empty Search Text
Goal: When your users will search for something they may expect fuzziness or corrections, which are not yet available to the full degree. Therefore you can help them by displaying a note which explains the correct syntax, as not all users may be fully fam
Page: Channel shows no Content Items
Problem: If the new channel does not show Content Items it is probably a wrong Channel Filter. Open the Channel Edit Channel Filter Remove your Query Filter Validate if you can see now all Content in the Content Browser on your Channel. Adapt the Query F
Page: Channel Sorting by File Size
If you want to sort your Content Items in the Channel by File Size to easily find the smallest or biggest images you can add the File Size as Sort. SOL_Channel-Sorting-By-FileSize_2021-11-09_09-54-05.jpg Instructions Follow these steps to add the file si
Page: Channel: Now Search Results Text
Display a text with different variables when the search returns no results. Variables response.searchString request.filter filterCount "missingResultsDisplayPatterns": { "en": "There is no content found using your search string <b>{{response.searchString}
Page: Channel: Show Text when no Search Results
Show a simple text when the search returns no results. You may also show additional hints to your users. "missingResultsDisplayPatterns": { "en": "Your search has not delivered any results", "de": "Ihre Suche hat keine Resultate geliefert", "x-default": "
Page: Coding Advice: Push Tags in Display Pattern
Goal: Show various tags, for example, products or keywords, in a display pattern. Use the push tags code example for simpler, maintainable, faster code. Prettify with Push Explained When you have a Display Pattern with lots of values, you can prettify you


Page: Dashboard Picturepark Demo
The Picturepark Online Demo ( ) features several concepts, like a media library and a product library, events, campaigns, press portal and a document library. The dashboard shall guide the users to th
Page: Demo: Fine Organic Foods Association
A configuration overview of the FOFA demo: Channel Content Portal (portal) No Virtual Items Media library Product Library (product) Content Items with Product Layer assigned Media Type either “Main s
Page: Display Pattern: AudioStream
{% if data.audioStream.samplingRate %}Sampling Rate: {{data.audioStream.samplingRate}} {% endif %} {% if data.audioStream.bitRate %} - Bitrate: {{data.audioStream.bitRate}}{% endif %}
Page: Display Pattern: Checkbox
Summary Show a message “This is approved!” when a checkbox (Id: legallyApproved) on a Layer (Id: corporateInformation) is checked. {% if data.corporateInformation.legallyApproved == true %} This was approved! {% endif %} Setup in Picturepark Layer "Corpor
Page: Display Pattern: Date Time
Summary Show a “Publish Me” message when a date (Id: embargoDate) on a Layer (Id: corporateInformation) is today or before today. {% assign today_date = 'now' | date: '%s' %} {% assign embargo_date = data.corporateInformation.embargoDate | local_date %} {
Page: Display Pattern: Fieldset
Summary For company events you have start and end dates. Calculate the duration from the two fields (Id: start; Id: end) in a fieldset (Id: duration) and show the values in days or only the start date. {% if data.duration.end %} {% assign end = data.durat
Page: Display Pattern: File Metadata in Layer Fields
Summary You may want to show the file extension or original filename (standard file metadata) in calculated text fields in a layer. You can make those available to the search and have some basic information shown. {{
Page: Display Pattern: Geo Point
Summary Show a Google Maps link to the company headquarter, using the geolocation values, joined with a comma. {% if data.corporateInformation.headquarterLocation %} {% assign HqLocationLat = %} {% assign
Page: Display Pattern: Link to Picturepark Areas
Summary You can link to specific areas in Picturepark using relative links, the base URL of your Picturepark will be automatically added, so your links don't break. <a href="/ContentBrowser/rulesRegulations">Click here for rules and regulations</a> Use C
Page: Display Pattern: No Permission on Images
Summary I want to display a red message "Private" on images as a thumbnail overlay (thumbnail pattern on file type images) when no permission sets are assigned. {% if permissionSetIds.size == 0 %} < font color = "#ff5576" > Private </ font > {% endif %} F
Page: Display Pattern: Number
Summary Calculate the discounted product price based on a number field for product price and another number field for discount percentage. {% assign discount = data.corporateInformation.discountPercentage | divided_by: 100 %} {% assign discountValue = dat
Page: Display Pattern: Product Information in Download File Name
Summary Add product information from tags to the file name on download of a Content Item, by adding the product tags to the Display Pattern “Download file name”. {{data.productLayer.products | tagbox_name | join: ", " }} _ {{data.productLayer.products.bri
Page: Display Pattern: Relationship
Summary Relationship fields are used to link content together. There is no use case for adding relationship information to Display Patterns as the related Content Items cannot be previewed. You shouldn’t use relationship fields in Display Pattern. Setup i
Page: Display Pattern: Replace Extension and Underlines from File Name
Summary Add original filename and replace extension and underlines for images. {{data.fileMetadata.fileName | replace: data.imageMetadata.fileExtension , "" | replace: "_" , " " | replace: "-" , " " }} Access File Name You find the filename on File Metada
Page: Display Pattern: SEO Friendly Title
Summary A slug is an SEO friendly title you use for images, videos, or complete press kits when sharing them on social media. Picturepark can create the slug for you using any value from any field, replacing spaces with dashes, and even pretending the cor
Page: Display Pattern: Show Message for Specific Roles
Summary I want to show a message if a user role has access to a Content Item. This is not possible! I cannot access the user role from Permission Sets on Content Items, I can only access Permission Sets. NOT WORKING, only else will show {% if userRoleIds
Page: Display Pattern: Show Permission Text on Thumbnail Overlay
Summary I want to display the Permission applied to an image as a thumbnail overlay (thumbnail pattern on file type images). {% if contentPermissionSetIds contains 'a16d98ceebe342c28fc5fc089a0f2ac4' %} Archived {% elsif contentPermissionSetIds contains 'c
Page: Display Pattern: Show Red Text for 1st Permission Set
Summary Show red text “Public” if the first permission set is “Public”. Please keep in mind that you do not know if Public is assigned as first or 2nd permission set. This example shows the usage of arrays in Display Pattern. {% if contentPermissionSetIds
Page: Display Pattern: Show Text as Headings
Summary To build the preview of a virtual item you can use various formatting options and use field values as headings and normal text. The styling from Picturepark will be applied except when you add additional CSS styles. <h1>{{ | tra
Page: Display Pattern: Tagbox
Summary Show a list of tags, separated by comma, in the Display Pattern {{data.corporateInformation.persons | tagbox_list | join: ", "}} Setup in Picturepark Layer: Corporate Information Tagbox with multiple values: Persons Field Value Access data.corpora
Page: Display Pattern: Text
Summary Show the translated text from a text field with different translations in the Display Pattern. Add some color with CSS and truncate longer text, showing three dots. < font color = "#ff5576" > {{data.corporateInformation.title.en | translate | trun
Page: Display Pattern: Title and EXIF Values in Download File Name
Summary Construct the download file name for images and use a title and additional EXIF values. {{data.corporateLayer.title.x-default | replace: " ", "-" | append: "_" | append:data.imageMetadata.width | append:"x" | append:data.imageMetadata.height | app
Page: Display Pattern: Trigger
Summary Show the trigger date in your current date format in the Display Pattern to see when the keywords where assigned. {% if data.autoTagging.assignMatches.triggeredOn %} {{data.autoTagging.assignMatches.triggeredOn | local_date: "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"}}
Page: Display Pattern: Using HTML and CSS
While you can add HTML and CSS to all display patterns the HTML and CSS is not displayed correctly (rendered) in certain areas (such as when adding HTML to the Name display pattern of a layer) and sometimes the area where the Display Pattern is used may n
Page: Display Pattern: Using Icons, HTML and CSS
Summary I want to add red, large music icons for audio files. supported icon sizes are: 14, 18, and 24 <cp-icon name="music" size="24" color="red"></cp-icon> The use of icons is limited. See this list for supported icons in Display Pattern. Use Case: Musi
Page: Display Pattern: VideoStream
{% if data.videoStream.format %}Format: {{data.videoStream.format}}{% endif %} {% if data.videoStream.resolution %} - Resolution: {{data.videoStream.resolution}}{% endif %}
Page: Document Preview is Broken
Problem The document preview in Picturepark (Thumbnails, preview, presentation mode) shows weird characters. I cannot read the text. image-20220610-092109.png Solution Picturepark must know the font to render it correctly. You can solve the problem by ch
Page: Dynamic View: Content of Last Month by User X
This solution shows how to configure a filter in the field “Dynamic View” based on the creation date. Real-world use case: Show a summary of content marketing created in the last month. Show a summary of all content created by agency A in the last month.
Page: Dynamic View: Filter for Tagbox
This solution shows how to configure a filter in the field “Dynamic View” based on a multi-tagbox. Instructions Create a step-by-step guide: You add the Dynamic View field You add the filter for a single tagbox: { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "picturepa
Page: Dynamic View: Show Items Where a Project Exists or Where it Matches the Assigned One
This solution shows how to configure a filter in the field “Dynamic View” based on a multi-tagbox. The field dynamic view will show all content when nothing is found. This solution shows how to show related projects or without related projects don’t show
Page: Dynamic View: Show Items with the Same Tag or Nothing
This solution shows configuring a filter in the field “Dynamic View” # based on a tagbox. The field dynamic view will show related content based on an assigned tag e.g. tag = project X, related content = all content that also is tagged with project X. Thi


Page: Excel Roundtrip: Error to Update
Problem: Content Items couldn't be updated with Layer. Search for the ones that weren't updated to validate what went wrong. How to find items where the field is empty. Conclusion: These are the 5 Virtual Items to which I cannot apply the Layer. This
Page: Excel Tip: Offer a List of Values for Selection (similar to tagbox)
You can prepare your Excel for importing List Items by using the Excel list functionality for data validation. Select your cell and choose Data > Data Validation


Page: FAQ: Can I see a query filter code somewhere?
Using URL Query String The filters in the sidebar in the Content Browser and List Browser will add the filter config as query string parameters to the URL. There you can see an example to then re-use in e.g. tagboxes. worddavf025a66c07667f3a07cae32c513d8c
Page: FAQ: Do I have an inbuilt Identity Provider in Picturepark?
Yes, with any Picturepark Content Platform you get access to the Picturepark IDS as the default trusted Identity Provider.
Page: FAQ: Is Azure AD supported as Open ID Provider?
The Open ID Connect implementation for Azure AD suits the Picturepark implementation. Azure AD is officially tested and supported.
Page: FAQ: Is Google as Open ID Provider supported?
The flexible Open ID Connect implementation supports variations of metadata and ACR values. Although Google supports Open ID Connect the authentication fails due to a different approach of handling "offline_access", a scope required to refresh the token.
Page: FAQ: Is Multi-factor Authentication MFA supported?
OpenID Connect offers support for multi-factor authentication (MFA), which must be implemented following the required metadata requirements of the OIDC provider protocol of the customer. We have surveyed customers multiple times last year with regard to
Page: FAQ: Is Okta OP supported as Open ID Provider?
The Open ID Connect implementation for Okta OP may suit the Picturepark implementation. Okta OP is not officially tested or supported.
Page: FAQ: Is One Login supported as Open ID Provider?
The Open ID Connect implementation for One Login may suit the Picturepark implementation. One Login is not officially tested or supported.
Page: FAQ: What authentication flows are supported?
Picturepark Open ID Connect provider supports Authorization Code Flow with PKCE, an OpenId Connect flow designed to authenticate users in native or mobile applications. PKCE, pronounced “pixy” is an acronym for Proof Key for Code Exchange, which does not
Page: FAQ: What is the Difference Between a Filter and a Query Filter?
Filters (1) are groups of query filters. That means that you want to offer Filters to the user based on available metadata values of a content (result set) e.g. Filters "Media type" allows the user to filter for all content tagged with a media type or Fil
Page: FAQ: Which external Identity Providers are supported?
Picturepark supports Open ID Connect providers, whereas the implementation of such a provider varies in terms of metadata or ACR values. Find a list of certified Open ID Connect implementations here: https://openid.
Page: FAQ: Why do I need an external Identity Provider?
The Picturepark IDS as Identity Provider is managed by Picturepark, while you manage the users in the user management of your Picturpark. In an enterprise, there is often already a user repository in place (e.g. Active Directory) where all users of your o
Page: FAQ: Why Open ID Connect?
OpenID Connect was published in 2014. The standard offers the best options in usability, simplicity, and security and considered all learnings from other standards like SAML and OpenID 1.0 and 2.0. The major benefits are: Easy consumption: The identity t
Page: Filter Query: Aggregation Filter
{ "kind": "AggregationFilter", "aggregationName": "mYnaME", // NAME OF FACET FILTER "filter": { filter1 } } Properties kind string, required aggregationName The name of the aggregation this filter is connected to. filter (single) The filter to be applied.
Page: Filter Query: And Filter
Show Content with Layer Corporate and Event, but only images. { "kind": "AndFilter", "filters": [ { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "layerSchemaIds", "term": "CorporateLayer" }, { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "layerSchemaIds", "term": "EventLayer" }, { "
Page: Filter Query: Child Filter
not in use in UI { "kind": "ChildFilter", "childType": "", "filter": { filter1 } } Properties kind string, required childType The type of the child document. filter (single) The filter to be applied on the child document. All kinds of filters are accepted
Page: Filter Query: Date Range Filter
Show content modified in December 2020. // USING EXACT DATES { "kind": "DateRangeFilter", "field": "audit.modificationDate", "range": { "names": { "fieldId.en":"Dec 2020", "":"Dez 2020" }, "from": "2020-12-01T00:00:00.000", "to": "2020-12-31T00:
Page: Filter Query: Exists Filter
Content Items where in the Layer Corporate Events are tagged (_refId exists). { "kind": "NestedFilter", "path": "", "filter": { "kind": "ExistsFilter", "field": "" } } Basic Filter Show all co
Page: Filter Query: Geo Bounding Box Filter
Show only content created in Aarau. { "kind": "GeoBoundingBoxFilter", "field": "fieldpath", "topLeft": { "lat": 47.4117082, "lon": 8.0569206, }, "bottomRight": { "lat": 47.3854459, "lon": 9.0569206, } } Behavior Creates a rectangle of geo points using Top
Page: Filter Query: Geo Distance Filter
Show all Picturepark partners near Berlin, 50km radius. This way your sales people can get an easy overview of partners to visit or to invite for a specific partner event. { "kind": "GeoDistanceFilter", "field": "layerId.fieldId", "location": { "lat": 52.
Page: Filter Query: Nested Filter for Multi Tagboxes
Layer Corporate assigned, but no events tagged in the Corporate Layer. { "kind": "AndFilter", "filters": [ { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "layerSchemaIds", "term": "CorporateLayer" }, { "kind": "NestedFilter", "path": "", "filter":
Page: Filter Query: Not Filter
Hide Stock content; Not the content with Layer Stock Info applied. // Complete example { "kind": "NotFilter", "filter": { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "layerSchemaIds", "term": "StockInfo" //Layer_ID capitalized } } Basic Filter Not the provided criteri
Page: Filter Query: Number Range Filter
Only Items between 150 and 300 width { "kind": "NumericRangeFilter", "field": "fileMetadata.width", "range": { "names": { "fieldId.en":"low res", "":"low res" }, "from": "150", "to": "300" } } Basic Filter Filter content that has a numeric field
Page: Filter Query: Or Filter
Show Corporate or Event Content in a Channel. { "kind": "OrFilter", "filters": [ { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "layerSchemaIds", "term": "CorporateLayer" }, { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "layerSchemaIds", "term": "EventLayer" } ] } Basic Filter One
Page: Filter Query: Parent Filter
not in use in UI { "kind": "ParentFilter", "parentType": "", "filter": { filter1 } } Properties kind string, required parentType The type of the parent document. filter (single) The filter to be applied on the child document. All kinds of filters are acce
Page: Filter Query: Prefix Filter
Show only technical documentation for admins, which based on an existing file naming convention starts with “ADMIN”. We have to use the Nested Filter as the Media Type is a multi tagbox. { "kind": "NestedFilter", "path": "productDocumentation.mediaType",
Page: Filter Query: Term Filter
Filter for Content with the Migration Layer added and the term “Product” as keyword assigned. { "kind": "AndFilter", "filters": [ { "kind": "TermFilter", "field": "layerSchemaIds", "term": "MigrationLayer" //Layer ID capitalized }, { "kind": "NestedFilter
Page: Filter Query: Terms Filter
Items with all Layers assigned. { "kind": "TermsFilter", "field": "layerSchemaIds", "terms": [ "CorporateLayer", "MediaLayer", "GeneralLayer" ] } Exclude Images, Videos, Virtual Press Kits. { "kind": "NotFilter", "filter": { "kind": "TermsFilter", "field"



Page: How To: Configure ADFS on Windows Server 2016
The installation and configuration of the ADFS service are on the sole behalf of the customers and not Picturepark related. Before the configuration of the Identity Provider in Picturepark ADFS must be properly installed and configured. Check Microsoft D
Page: How To: Integrate Azure Active Directory with Picturepark
In this tutorial, you learn how to integrate Content Platform with Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory). Integrating Content Platform with Azure AD provides you with the following benefits: You can manage who has access to Content Platform
Page: How-to articles








Page: Output Format: Create Transparent Format for Download
Goal: Output a png with red background. Picturepark supports various modifications rasterized images, but only limited actions for vectors, documents, or videos. Actio
Page: Output Format: Watermark Format for Download
Goal: Have a dynamic format with a watermark, created via Postman via API. Setup Postman Environment Ensure that the postman environment variables are set correctly. Check API clients for details. Variable Value apiToken In the main menu find Settings.
Page: Output Format: Watermark Placement
Goal: Assume you want to place a horizontal colored bar at the bottom of a format with 10px distance to the bottom border and have the logo placed within this colored bar in the right corner with a 10px distance to the right border. Prerequisites Prepare





Page: Search: Boost (Uplift) your Search Terms
Finds all contents that are tagged with dogs but are especially interested in large dogs. Use the boost operator ^ in the simple search to make one term more relevant than another e.g. boost large: large^2 dogs Apply the boost operator to multiple terms u
Page: Search: Check if Field Product Description Exists
Searching for the description, which is a translated text field, in advanced search mode: _exists_:productInformation.description.enimage-20201203-121008.png
Page: Search: Find Items by Ids
List Item Ids and Content Item Ids are not available in the search index, you can add them in the channel configuration as “Extended simple search fields”. This query does not work as long as you haven’t added those fields to the channel. By default Ids f
Page: Search: Find Items by Permission Sets
This will find all Content Items where the field is available but has no value, where no Permission Sets are applied. -_exists_:permissionSetIds This will find all items of the specific Permission Set. permissionSetIds:787eb87f4c914ec5ba359cc8d8a1d0af Th
Page: Search: Find Items by Product Codes
You want to find all Items that have the Product Code: F_1000 applied. Search: 1000 finds a product F_1000 finds a product F 1000 does not find a product The results depend on the Analyzers used. A use case for this might be product images in Picturepark
Page: Search: Find Items providing list of Product Codes
Get a collection of product content from a list of product codes. Copy all product codes from e.g. Excel or Google Sheets into the search Open Picturepark channel that contains your products and switch the search mode to "OR" Paste all product codes from
Page: Search: Find Items where Field in Layer is Empty
Will find all Content Items which have the Layer "Corporate Information" assigned, but there is no English value for the Title available aka this syntax finds all Content Items with an empty Title in the Layer. -_exists_:fieldpath AND layerSchemaIds:Laye
Page: Search: Find Items where Field or Layer is Empty
This will find all Content Items where the field is not present, but also those without the Layer assigned, so you must additionally check if the Layer present. -_exists_:fieldpath To check if a field is not available use exists and a dash in front of it:
Page: Search: Find Items with a Specific Date.
Will find all Content Items which have the exact date time value "2022-02-15T23:00:00Z". You can find this value in the JSON of the Content Item. This query only works with an exact match. corporateInformation.embargoDate:"2022-02-15T23:00:00Z"
Page: Search: Find Items with Checkbox Values
This will find all content items with the checkbox legally approved set to true. _exists_:corporateInformation.legallyApproved:true This will find all content items with checkbox legally approved set to false or checkbox not set. _exists_:corporateInforma
Page: Search: Find Items with Date
Will find all Content Items which have the date-time value "2022-02-1x". This query does not work with exact match. corporateInformation.embargoDate:2022-02-1* To search for a date you must provide the date-time fieldpath and the date in the format year-m
Page: Search: Find Items with Date in Range
Will find all Content Items which were created or modified in March 2020 audit.creationDate:[2020-03-01 TO 2020-03-31] audit.modificationDate:[2020-03-01 TO 2020-03-31]corporateInformation.embargoDate:[2021-01-01 TO 2023-01-01] Will find all Content Items
Page: Search: Find Items with Exact Term in Translated Field 
Will find all Content Items which have the exact term "red berry" in the English translation of the translated text field. basicInformation.title.en.language:"red berry" For (product) numbers in translated text fields you must search without quotes. This
Page: Search: Find Items with Fieldset values
This will find Content Items even if those items do not have the values Joe AND true available. This is a search limitation in Picturepark for multi-value fields from schemas. For the search, the values are flattened, so when a Fieldset of a Content Item
Page: Search: Find Items with Geo values not possible
This is not working as Geo Point fields are not available in the search, but only in filters. You will also not find a setting for "search" in the geo point field configuration. The code itself is correct.
Page: Search: Find Items with Layer not Assigned
This will find all Content Items where the value "Basic Information" is not present in the field that stores all assigned layers "layerSchemaIds". -layerSchemaIds:BasicInformation To check if a field or layer is not available you negate the value with a d
Page: Search: Find Items with specific values in text fields
Will find all Items with multiple specific values in text fields. corporateInformation.note.simple:(lorem OR ipsum OR tmp) corporateInformation.note is the fieldpath > layer CorporateInformation, field note The fieldpath extension simple tells Picturepark
Page: Search: Find Items with Tagbox Values
This query looks for the fieldId "fullName" from the connected List in a Tagbox (persons) that is on the Layer Corporate Information. You must use this syntax to get a specific value from the tag assigned: layer.tagbox.listfieldid:value corporateInformati
Page: Search: Find Items with Value in a Field
This will find all Content Items where the field is available in the Layer and has a value. _exists_:fieldpath To check if a field is available use exists This functionality is similar to the filter query Exists Filter
Page: Search: Find Items with values in translated fields.
Adding the text analyzer to the fieldpath allows finding values contained in the text field, ignoring capitalization. You can now also search for the plural values or stems e.g. berries, berr. corporateInformation.title.en.language:berries The fieldpath e
Page: Search: Find Product Information in Translated Description
Searching for a value inside the description, which is a translated text field, works in advanced search mode with the syntax: productInformation.description.en:Blueberry*image-20201203-120719.png You can provide the whole value as an exact match (includi
Page: Search: Find Users by Creation Date Range
This will find all Users created in the last 60 days which are not Support Users. Adapt the date range to your specific case. audit.creationDate:[now-60d TO now] AND isSupportUser:false The following attributes exists in the search: ✔isLocked:false ✔isS
Page: Search: Find Users by Identity Provider
This will find all Users where the field is empty aka users where no Identity Provider is added. _exists_:identityProviderId This will find users of a specific Identity Provider. identityProviderId:a3431095e9cc401ab65197ba12ecfccf The ID is shown in the
Page: Search: Find Users by Role
This will find all Users where the field is empty (not exists) aka users where no roles are added. -_exists_:userRoles.userRoleId This will find all Users where the field is not empty (exists) aka users where roles are added. _exists_:userRoles.userRole
Page: Search: Find Users Not in Role A
Find the ID of the role in the URL when opening the role in role detail view Go to users > switch to advanced search mode Add this code (adapt the ID) -userRoles.userRoleId:1b611edb400c403498113523f1127580s Then you may batch edit the users and assign the
Page: Search: Fuzzy Search (Proximity)
You can search for terms that are similar but a bit "fuzzy". Therefore you can use the "fuzzy” operator which is a Tilde following your search term in the advanced search. quikc~ brwn~ foks~ The fuzzy search uses the Damerau-Levenshtein distance http://en
Page: Search: Search in Metadata and Document Fulltext
You can extend any search to document fulltext and/or metadata. You wish to find all of your companies' literature where a certain product is mentioned or any documents that mention the CEO, then simply add the searchType to the URL as a query string para
Home page: Solutions and Examples
Here, you find an overview of solutions and examples in the Picturepark Content Platform. Those solutions are tagged and linked to from the Picturepark Administration manual.


Page: Tree View: Layer Country
I want to display a country list with regions. To do so I create a tree view field that references the country tag box: [ { "fieldId": "country", "allowRecursion": false, "levels": [ { "fieldId": "regions", "allowRecursion": true, "levels": [] } ] } ] ima
Page: Tree View: Layer Date
If you would like to add a hierarchical filter for date then add a tree view field to the Layer. For example I have three tagbox fields for Year/Month/Day in my Basic Information Layer and have added a Tree View field to display the date: image-20250108-0
Page: Tree View: Layer Keywords Classification with Path
I would like to have a hierarchical filter that displays for example keywords grouped by the classification tagbox field. You can add a tree view field to your layer e.g here I have added one to the Basic Information field: [ { "fieldId": "keywords", "all
Page: Tree View: List with recursion
I am adding a tree view field that references the Controlled Vocabulary broader field in the levels and allows recursion. Setting recursion to true only makes sense if you have a tagbox in a list that references the same list. [ { "fieldId": "broader", "a
Page: Troubleshooting articles








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