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Display Pattern: No Permission on Images


I want to display a red message "Private" on images as a thumbnail overlay (thumbnail pattern on file type images) when no permission sets are assigned.

{% if permissionSetIds.size == 0 %} 
  < font color = "#ff5576" > 
  </ font > 
{% endif %}

Field Value Access


  • will access the Permission Sets, so I can check for individual IDs. For example, if permissionSetIds is 123, then show "owner only" as a message in the display pattern


  • the number of Permission Sets added to the Content Item

Use Case

I want to display a red message "Private" as a thumbnail overlay when no permission sets are assigned. 

  • I have to change the thumbnail pattern for ImageMetadata (File Types/FileMetadata/ImageMetadata) because these are then all images.

  • Thumbnail overlays are Display Pattern Thumbnails on File Types.

  • I have to check for the number of permissionSetIds assigned, which I can do by adding size.


  1. Open File Type > ImageMetadata (File Types/FileMetadata/ImageMetadata).

  2. Update the Thumbnail Display Pattern.

  3. Check for Permission Sets and add text with CSS font color red. 

{% if permissionSetIds.size == 0 %} 
  < font color = "#ff5576" > 
  </ font > 
{% endif %}

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