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FAQ: What is the Difference Between a Filter and a Query Filter?

Filters (1) are groups of query filters. That means that you want to offer Filters to the user based on available metadata values of a content (result set) e.g. Filters "Media type" allows the user to filter for all content tagged with a media type or Filter for "Department" allows the user to filter content tagged with a department. Picturepark offers an editor for configuration. 

Query Filter (2) means that you query for a finite set of content based on specific criteria e.g. show only Arrangements, show only current employees, show only players from Real Madrid. Query Filter already filters the content. Those filters do not require user input, they have a fixed return set. Query Filters are code, there is no editor. 

    "kind": "TermFilter",
    "field": "fieldpath",
    "term": "Europe"
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