Channel Filter: Show New Items Only (based on EXIF)
Goal: Content Items that have been created in the last month, to only have the newest content produced for tagging and further enrichment.
This channel filter example uses EXIF data (technical (camera) data).
Not all files have EXIF data, so use the technical data which is present with your files.
Picturepark Setup
Layer: Exif
DateTimeOriginal, indexed (the date and time the image was generated)
DateTimeDigitized, indexed (the date and time the image was stored as digital data)
In order to have the Exif Information available in filters, you must index the fields. Therefore open Layers > Exif and Edit the Exif field. In Search Behavior, you find the two DateTime fields from Exif, where you can check "Enable in filters".
VIDEO: How To Use Exif In Filters and Query Filters

Channel Filter
Channel Filter
"kind": "OrFilter",
"filters": [
"kind": "DateRangeFilter",
"field": "exifMetadata.exif.dateTimeOriginal",
"range": {
"names": {},
"from": "now-30D",
"to": "now"
"kind": "DateRangeFilter",
"field": "exifMetadata.exif.dateTimeDigitized",
"range": {
"names": {},
"from": "now-30D",
"to": "now"