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Display Pattern: Show Text as Headings


To build the preview of a virtual item you can use various formatting options and use field values as headings and normal text. The styling from Picturepark will be applied except when you add additional CSS styles. 

<h1>{{ | translate}}</h1>

	{% if data.pressKit.subline %}
		{{data.pressKit.subline | translate}}
	{% endif %}

	{% if data.pressKit.intro %}
		{{data.pressKit.intro | translate}}
	{% endif %}

	{% if data.pressKit.summary %}
		{{data.pressKit.summary | translate}}
	{% endif %}

{% if data.pressKit.description %}
	{{data.pressKit.description | translate}}
{% endif %}

Use Case

Virtual Items, like Press Kits, are only text values (maybe some links to other content items), so there is no rendering. You can define the thumbnail and may want to use the values from the virtual item fields.

  1. Open Virtual Types

  2. Open settings of Virtual Type > Press Kit

  3. Open Display Pattern “Thumbnail”

  4. Construct your thumbnail preview from the values.

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