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Channel Filter: Show Only Word Documents

Goal: Channel with only Microsoft Office Word Documents. 


  • This channel filter example uses File Type Metadata from Schemas > Files > Document (path: /schemas/file-types/DocumentMetadata). 

Picturepark Setup

  • Layer: DocumentMetadata (System Schema available)

    • Fields: ApplicationName, indexed

  • Content Schema: DocumentMetadata

In order to have the File Metadata available in filters, you must index the fields. Therefore open Schemas > File Types > Document > ApplicationName and Edit the field. In Search Behavior enable "Enable in filters". 

Channel Filter

Channel Filter
	"kind": "AndFilter",
	"filters": [
			"kind": "TermFilter",
			"field": "contentSchemaId",
			"term": "DocumentMetadata"
			"kind": "TermFilter",
			"field": "documentMetadata.applicationName",
			"term": "Microsoft Office Word"

We could only use the TermFilter on ApplicationName, but we want to make sure that we only see documents here.

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