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Browser View

The browser view contains the following areas

  1. Channel

  2. Search

  3. Browser with toolbar

  4. Sidebar with toolbar (options in tabs)

  5. Notifications

Channel selection

Channels are used to group content based on filters and permissions. The grouping of content is well known throughout the internet e.g. in Google search you find the grouping of results into images, news, maps, and shopping. In Picturepark the setup is done by administrators of the system and usually shows company business units, business cases, or distribution channels e.g. partner portals. Depending on the content management strategy of your company the channel selection varies. 

There is one root channel always present in all Pictureparks which cannot be deleted but permitted or restricted of course. The name of the root channel can be changed e.g. "All content". The little arrow on the right indicated further selection options. 

The channel selection in administration areas, where no further channels are available e.g. in list manager or layer manager is used to display the menu selected and for detail views it shows a breadcrumb. The user is in this case informed which menu she opened. The missing little arrow on the right indicates there are no further selection options. 

The search is prominent at the top. When accessing Picturepark a user can directly search by starting to type, no need to click into the search field. 

The search has three modes which are indicated in the top right corner. On click the mode can be switched. 

  1. Simple (all) searching for all words

  2. Simple (any) searching for any of the words

  3. Advanced allowing to have complex search queries


The browser shows elements in two different views

  • Thumbnail - showing a preview for content items, or icons for e.g. list items and a name (configurable as thumbnail display pattern)

  • List - showing all information in a list

The items in the browser can be selected via a mouse click or keyboard (shift, control). This kind of selection is only valid until user switches channel or menu item. For "lasting" selections the checkmark at the top left corner must be selected which puts the items into the basket. 

The browser toolbar is found at the top and shows actions available to active selected items from the browser. Not available actions are not displayed, so buttons may disappear if actions are not available. The actions available also depend on your user role permissions (e.g. edit options require edit permissions). 

The sort and order which is applied to the items in the browser are indicated in the right top corner of the toolbar with the name of the sort criteria and top/down arrows e.g. sorted by Date modified descending.


The sidebar is on the right below the search and the whole panel is collapsible. Use the arrow icon to close the sidebar to get more space for the content. The sidebar usually has filter options and depending on the area you are in you can find either further information or the basket for the collection of items. The sidebar is separated into tabs with the following options (if available): 

  1. Info showing additional information (e.g. for lists, showing information about the usage of lists, other connected lists, or parent information

  2. Filters 

    e.g for list items or content items used to filter the browser items based on metadata, creator information, or alike

  3. Basket 

    e.g. for content items to create collections that can be saved, shared, and are kept even if the user switches the menu or channel, whereas selection in the browser is removed after switching menu or channel


Notifications are shown when specific actions are successful or not successful. A user dragging content items (e.g. images) onto the Content browser will start an import process. The different states ("I have the files uploaded", "I have rendered everything", "I have imported to content browser") are communicated with notifications, so the user is informed about what is happening in the background.

Notifications are available e.g. for:  

  • upload (finished, failed, etc.)

  • import (finished, failed, etc.)

  • edit

  • share (sent, received, etc.) 

Examples of the browser view

Content Browser

  • Option to search

  • Toolbar for content item operations

  • Side offering

    • Filters that are configured in the channel configuration

    • Basket to store, share, edit and save collections

Collections Manager

  • Without the option to search

  • Sidebar offering

    • Filters (predefined) e.g. type and creation date to separate edit collections (automatically created from the batch editor) from custom collections (saved by user) 

Transfer Manager 

  • Without the option to search

  • Without sidebar

App Manager 

  • The default view is a list, without the option to switch to tile view

  • Without the option to search

  • Without sidebar

  • The area where certified apps e.g. Excel Roundtrip show up

Share Manager 

  • Option to search for shares

  • Sidebar offering

    • Filters (predefined) for share type (share, embed), creation date, recipients, creator, and expiration date

List Manager 

  • Option to search for lists

  • Toolbar for creating and modifying lists

  • Sidebar offering

    • Info about list selected in the browser (e.g. connected lists, fields, usage in layers, search information)

Layer Manager 

  • Option to search for layers

  • Toolbar for creating and modifying layers

  • Sidebar offering

    • Info about layer selected in the browser (e.g. fields including connected list for tagboxes, search information)

Virtual Types Manager 

  • Option to search for Virtual Type

  • Toolbar for creating and modifying Virtual Types

  • Sidebar offering

    • Info about Virtual Type selected in the browser (e.g. fields including connected list for tagboxes, search information)

Fieldsets and Relations Manager 

  • Option to search for Fieldsets

  • Toolbar for creating and modifying Fieldsets

  • Sidebar offering

    • Info about Fieldset selected in the browser (e.g. fields including connected list for tagboxes, search information)

File Type Manager 

  • Option to search for File Types

  • Toolbar for creating and modifying File Types

  • Sidebar offering

    • Info about File Type selected in the browser (e.g. fields including connected list for tagboxes, search information)

Users Manager 

  • Option to search for users

  • Toolbar to create and modify users

  • Sidebar offering

    • Info about the selected user including details and role assignments

    • Filters (predefined) about the state of the user (approved, waiting, locked, etc.) and creation date

Role Manager 

  • The default view is a list, without the option to switch to tile view

  • Option to search for roles

  • Toolbar to create or delete roles

  • Sidebar offering

    • Info about a selected role like permissions applied

Permissions Manager

  • The default view is a list, without the option to switch to tile view

  • Option to search for roles

  • Toolbar to create or delete roles

  • Sidebar offering

    • Info about selected permission set

      • permission grants to roles = role permissions

      • permissions for the set e.g. who can apply for it = permission set permission

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