View Options
In the Browser View, you can select to view content in a Thumbnail or a List view.
If you select Thumbnail, you can choose a small, medium, large, or extra-large thumbnail.
The List View displays data in a configurable spreadsheet-style format.
Using the Fields option in the sidebar, you can dynamically select the fields to display. The fields available for selection vary depending on the selected content; for example, audio options are not displayed if you have only selected images.
When you add a field to the List View, it is added to the end of the display by default. You can click and drag the columns displayed to reorder them, and you can sort the column content by selecting the relevant header. Note that you can’t move the Thumbnail column, but you can resize it if necessary. The List View preferences are saved per channel in your user profile.
If there is more information in a field than can be displayed with the current field size, this is indicated with a fade-out effect; you can easily resize the column to view any hidden content.