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The Trigger field you can use to trigger a business rule with the benefit that it stores the information about the user who clicked the field and when (date and time), whereas a checkbox "start business rule" would not have any information about user and time.

Trigger Overview



VIDEO: How a Trigger Behaves


Instead of working with checkboxes, the trigger field can execute a business rule and carries information about the user who triggered and the time and date of the triggering. 

Button text

EN: [Field Name EN]
DE: [Field Name DE]


  • Content suppliers assign a layer to contents where copyright information is missing. This layer holds a trigger called "Get Copyright Details," which triggers a Business Rule that updates copyright details like source and original title and usage restrictions from IPTC metadata. The content creator can trigger the copyright update when the content is used in campaigns to save credits on stock platforms.

  • Content creators can assign a layer to the content they plan to use in campaigns. This layer holds a trigger field that starts a business process that executes a reverse image search to check if a competitor uses this image in a campaign. The content creator can trigger the image check only for the preferred imagery.

  • The AI-powered business process for image tagging assigns a layer on import that holds all automatic tags. Those tags require human review and cleanup. After manual cleanup and removal of wrong tag assignments, a trigger field starts a business process that copies the reviewed and correct tags into the real metadata layers used from the search.

  • The trigger field can be used to track the status of completed tasks. Assuming you are using fieldset for change requests you can add a trigger field for the person who fulfills the request. The responsible finds the change requests and triggers the "completed" state. This will log time and person in charge. Additional business rules could not be added to execute the "triggered" state. 

Trigger Value Handling

Picturepark Setup Example

Layer: Auto-tagging (ID: AutoTagging)

Field: Assign Matches (ID: assignMatches)



Advanced search for field / field value


  • This syntax will find all Content Items where the trigger was triggered once. You can search for triggeredOn as well as triggeredBy as always both values are available. 

Use in Display Pattern

Use in the business rule as path & field id



Returned field value

.triggeredOn returns date time, which must be formatted
.triggeredBy returns a UserId only, especially useful for comparison (e.g., show content triggered by Alex)

Trigger Field Settings

Nothing specific about the Trigger field settings.


The label of the Trigger field, which should give a clear indication of what the user triggers. The trigger button will have this name too.

Trigger Field Name as Button Text


The ID field is the ID of your field, which is used to link to this field. The field ID is always lowercase. The field's ID is set when creating a new field using camel casing. You need the field ID for the configuration of filters or display patterns. 

The ID is automatically created from the name you insert: 

  • Example: You insert the field name "My NeW fielDs #1 Purpose?

  • Automatic Id: myNeWFielDs1Purpose

You can open the Display Pattern Editor to see the JSON of a Content Item. 

Include in filters

The Include in filters field setting allows the field to be added as a filter for content (see Channels Configuration) and the field values to be edited in the Batch Editor (indexed fields). Picturepark checks this setting against the allowed number of Search-indexed fields in your subscription plan. While it may be tempting to include all fields in filters and simple search also boosting them, you may revisit this idea based on your subscription plan limit and by testing your common search scenarios - too many values will not automatically result in better search results.

Include in search

The Include in search field setting determines whether or not the field's values should be considered in content browser simple search operations. If this option is not enabled, the search does not consider the values of the field in search operations. This can be useful, for example, if the field is used for internal discussions or work directives that you don't want to affect the search results. Picturepark checks those settings against the allowed number of Search-indexed fields in your subscription plan. While it may be tempting to include all fields in filters and simple search boosting them, you may revisit this idea based on your subscription plan limit.

Boost value

The Boost factor field setting will boost the values in the search and help you define the relevance of the content for your users. The boost parameter increases the relative weight of a term (with higher boost values) or decreases the relative weight (with lower boost values), but the increase or decrease is not linear. In other words, a boost of 2 does not result in double the score. You can select between 1, 10, 25, 50, 100, or 500. 

  • Boosting in a list is for the search in fields while tagging.

  • Boosting in layers is for the content browser search.

Picturepark checks this setting against the allowed number of Search-indexed fields in your subscription plan. While it may be tempting to include all fields in filters and simple search boosting them, you may revisit this idea based on your subscription plan limit.

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