With the Guest Portal feature, you can easily make selected content publicly available on the dashboard. Users can view, browse, filter, search, and download (when suitable) this content without logging in to Content Platform.
The Guest Portal can eliminate the need for microsites or third-party portals if you don't have strict branding requirements; you can edit the logo and dashboard content, but not all fonts or colors are available.
You can tailor the dashboard content and text to meet the requirements of your public users and potentially extend the reach of your brand.
The Guest Portal content can be curated to keep users both up-to-date (by publishing updated or new logos, for example) and informed (by making a press kit for an upcoming event available, for example). To make content available, you need to add the Public Access permission to the relevant Using Business Rules and scheduling features, you can make the chosen content public at a time of your choice.
Please contact sales@picturepark.com to configure and enable the Guest Portal feature.
Guest Portal Dashboard example
How to
To make content available on the Guest Portal, you need to apply the permission set that allows public access to the specific content.
Configuring the Guest Portal
The Guest Portal presents limited options for the user; they can only view, search for, and download content that you make available. Options such as Shares, Lists, Schemas, and so on (see below) are neither available nor displayed.
Logged in user options
In the Dashboard Template, you can configure the Guest Portal dashboard to differentiate it from the dashboard displayed to logged-in users. You can personalize the text, add an option for the user to log in, etc.
Anonymous User
Once the Guest Portal feature is enabled, Anonymous User is added to the list of users. This user has limited access to content; it has only one role, Public access, and permissions are restricted to viewing and downloading pre-configured content. You cannot edit these permissions as they are purposely designed to restrict access because users accessing the Guest Portal should not have the same amount of access as registered (logged-in) user.
Anonymous user profile information
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