Lists are lists of keywords or tags. Lists are primarily used to serve for tagging content.
A list is your controlled vocabulary, your taxonomy, used for tagging with multidimensional information. That means a list can only have tags with a name or tags that have further information, such as synonyms, translations, broader terms, narrower terms, etc.
A list in Picturepark can also be linked to other lists, enriching the tag as all information from linked lists travels with it. For example, a personnamed John Doe, who is tagged with the department Marketing, has all the additional information about the marketing department, such as goals, manager, and other team members.
The List View displays data in a configurable spreadsheet-style format. Using the Fields option in the sidebar, you can dynamically select the fields to display.
All List Items are displayed in a spreadsheet-style format.
You can use the Fields option in the sidebar to select the fields you want to display in the List View. The selected fields are displayed with a checkmark, as in the example below.
The Order menu to sort List Items.
Views, Fields, and Order options.
Create List Items
Create List Items
Select the + icon in the toolbar and select Create.
Select a value from the options listed (or search for a value).
Enter values for the new List Item.
Select Save.
You might want to create some more List Items:
Create one by one - turn on the Create more toggle - add one by one.
Excel Import.
You can have two List Items with the same name. However, each List Item has a unique ID, the _refId, which you refer to in Filters and searches.
Edit a List Item in the Detail View
Edit a List Item in the Detail View
Double-click to open the List Item in the detail view.
Choose Edit (Windows: Ctrl + E) and update the attributes
Press Save (Windows: Ctrl + S) to save your changes.
List Item References
List Item References
Double-click to open the List Item in the detail view.
Open References in the tab menu on the right.
You see all Content and List Items where the selected List Item is added.
Delete a List Item
Delete a List Item
Select the List Item in the List View. To select several List Items, use Shift + Click or Ctrl + Click.
Select the Delete icon (trashcan).
When the List Item is assigned to a Content Item, Picturepark will inform you about the references. Deleting the list item will remove the value from the Content Item and it will no longer appear in search results.