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Assign Value Action

The AssignValueAction assigns a specific value to the field specified e.g. update copyright source with creators from Dublin Core. This requires the layer where the field is found to be assigned already, therefore combine with "AssignLayerAction" and/or "LayerAssignedCondition".

The Business Rules are not executed after one another. If one Business Rule assigns a Layer and another assigns the value, it can happen that this does not work as the Business Rule Engine may first try to assign the value when the layer is not yet assigned. 

Do not use this action for tags. If you try to assign a tag with this action and the tag was not found you will get an empty value assigned which results in a metadata validation error. For tags use Assign Tagbox Items Action.

Specific Definitions






The path to the field which may be the LayerId or a real path e.g. for Fieldsets.

Check the documentation for accessing fields for details. 


The ID of the field, the value should be inserted in.

Check the documentation for accessing fields for details


The value for the field, provided by value or variable. 

Text with translations
		"title": {
             "en": "$myvariable$",
             "de": "$myvariable$"
		"description": {
               "en": "$myothervariable$",
               "de": "$myothervariable$"
Geo point
	{ "lat": 13, "lon": 37 },
	{ "lat": 13, "lon": 37 },
	{ "lat": 13, "lon": 37 }
Tagbox value variable
	{"_refId": "$mediaTypeCodeRefId$" }
Tagbox value id


Indicates whether existing values should be replaced. Note: for multi fieldsets and relations, this setting controls, if the value is added to the already existing values or if the existing values shall be overwritten.

Assign Layer with two text values

"actions": [
		"kind": "AssignValueAction",
		"layerId": "BasicInformation",
		"defaultValues": [
				"title": {
                    "en": "$myvariable$",
                    "de": "$myvariable$"
				"description": {
                    "en": "$myothervariable$",
                    "de": "$myothervariable$"

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