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Display Pattern

Display Patterns are configurable templates in Liquid Syntax (used in Shopify). In these Patterns, you take metadata and other values and construct a nice piece of information.

The thumbnail pattern for a list item (product) with a title and other product attributes.

Code for Thumbnail Pattern List Item (Screenshot)
{% if data.fruit.shortDescription%}
{{data.fruit.shortDescription | translate | truncate: 250}}
{% endif %}


Product: {{data.fruit.code}} - {{}} 
Bricks class: {{data.fruit.bricks | tagbox_list | join: ", "}}
{% if data.fruit.price%} 
Price: {{data.fruit.price}} {{data.fruit.currency.code}} 
{% if data.fruit.unit%} per {{ | translate}}{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if data.fruit.supplier %}<br>Supplier: {{data.fruit.supplier | tagbox_list}}{% endif %}

The configuration supports different combinations of metadata values and static text, including translations and tags. For configuration, you should be familiar with the field types in Picturepark.

Display patterns are configured for Virtual Types, Layers, File Types, Lists, and Fieldsets. Some Display Patterns may not yet be in use. Picturepark generates a display pattern for you when a text field is assigned. It will take the first available text field and display its value if there are any.

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