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Watermark Action

The watermark modification applies and image overlay. You need to store your watermark image (png, gif, tiff) on an absolute path on the server. Then you can define a distance from the four borders in pixel (margin left, margin top, margin right, margin bottom). You can leave the margins empty. You must set the opacity (0.1 to 1) used for transparency and an aspect ratio - the ratio of the width of a shape to its height (e.g. 8:5, 16:10 and 1.6:1 are the same aspect ratio). 







Send to to save on this path. 

The path does not need to be provided but only the file name e.g. picturepark_logo_watermark.png.

Identifies the image to be used as a watermark.


can be null, in Pixel

Margin to the left border of the image, in pixels.


can be null, in Pixel

Margin to the top of the image, in pixels.


can be null, in Pixel

Margin to the right border of the image, in pixels.


can be null, in Pixel

Margin to the bottom of the image, in pixels.


a number in range 0-100 although everything larger than 1 is no opacity at all

Choose a value between 0.1 and 0.9.

Scales the opacity of the watermark.


a number larger than 0, 0 is forbidden

e.g. 0.5 for half the size or 2 for double the size

Scales the watermark width according to the size of the final image. 

The widthRatio is used for orientation portrait. 

Use a square watermark file to ensure better-proportioned results. 


a number larger than 0, 0 is forbidden

e.g. 0.5 for half the size or 2 for double the size

Scales the watermark height according to the size of the final image.

The heightRatio is used for orientation landscape.  

Use a square watermark file to ensure better-proportioned results. 

Watermark Examples

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