The Tree view field allows users to model hierarchical data.
Tree view fields can be enabled for an instance in the License tab in the cloud manager. Please contact support to do this for you.
It's a view-only field.
The administrator who creates the field defines the filter.
You cannot edit the field in single or batch edit mode.
The field can be added to Layer, List, and Virtual Schemas.
The field must reference a single or multiple tagbox field.
You cannot select tree view fields in advanced filter editors or add them as sorting fields. Tree view fields will not show up in the List Item Browser.
To see tree view fields in the UI, you must add them to a Channel or List Filter.
Tree View Fields are not editable - neither in Single nor in Batch Editor!
The field is also not available in search.
The content shown in the field depends on the field filter configuration.
There is a limit of 300 child nodes on each tree item (hardcoded).
If a child node is selected (but does not appear on the first page, only after “load more”), the count on hover is not shown.
This is just a view; no values can be extracted from business rules or display patterns.
Tree View Field Settings
The Namesetting is available for various items in Picturepark, for example, fields, schemas, and business rules. This value defines what appears in the Picturepark interface. You can change the name anytime and translate it into any configured metadata language. To add a translation for the name, select Add.
IDs and Names need to be the same or at least have the same meaning.
Sentence-style capitalization, for example, Media type and not Media Type.
Schema names in plural, for example, products, events, persons for lists.
No numbers at the beginning of the ID (mediaType2 is correct but not 2MediaType)
The ID fieldis the ID of your field, which is used to link to this field. The field ID is always lowercase. The field's ID is set when creating a new field using camel casing. You need the field ID for the configuration of filters or display patterns.
The ID is automatically created from the name you insert:
Example: You insert the field name "My NeW fielDs #1 Purpose?
Automatic Id: myNeWFielDs1Purpose
You can open the Display Pattern Editor to see the JSON of a Content Item.
This is a JSON editor. In the example below, I have made an entry for a tree with recursion false based on three tagbox fields for year, month, and day.