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Tagbox Item Unassigned Condition

The condition Tagbox Item Unassigned checks if a specific tagbox item ("a tag") is unassigned in a specific field e.g. Check if the tag "Twitter" is unassigned in the field "SocialMediaPlatforms" on Layer "CopyrightUsages" to then remove this image from Twitter. The Business Rule may check if the tag "Dealer Portal Europe" was unassigned to then e.g. remove the view permission for European dealers. 

(lightbulb) Triggers the moment an item is unassigned in the provided Tagbox, either any value (leave refId empty) or a specific value (provide refId). 

Use Tagbox Item Unassigned inside AND/OR to check if multiple tags were unassigned. 

    "kind": "AndCondition",
    "conditions": [
			"kind": "TagboxItemUnassignedCondition",
			"refId": "123556..."
			"kind": "TagboxItemUnassignedCondition",
			"refId": "123556..."

Specific Definitions

The refId is used in the Business Rule, so you can update the list item attributes at any time. 







Details on accessing field values, specifically fieldpath starts lowercase

Supports JSON path syntax which you can test here:


The ID of the List Item to check. 

This is optional. You can leave it empty if you want to check any unassignments from the tagbox field. 

You can get the refId by opening up the List Item in Detail View and check the URL. 

Is Product 12346xxx Assigned?

  "kind": "TagboxItemUnassignedCondition", 
  "refId": "12346xxxx"
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