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Requirements & Limitations

Overview of Requirements, Acceptable Use and Agreements, Browser Compatibility, third-party software, deployment information and general system limitations.

Acceptable use & agreements

Acceptable use and agreements

The Picturepark Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) defines the policies to which all end-users of the Picturepark Cloud provided via software-as-a-service must adhere. Please note that these terms might have been changed and extended depending on customer-specific requirements and that only the terms provided on login and signup and displayed in the help section of your Picturepark are binding.

The Picturepark Cloud Agreement defines in detail the terms and conditions under which the Picturepark Cloud service or any installable Picturepark software provided via our software-as-a-service model is licensed. The agreement also defines the standard SLA. Note that the terms and agreements which you and your organization are effectively bound when using Picturepark might differ in case you purchased Picturepark via one of our partners or the SLA or support is provided by a partner. In this case, please consult the terms displayed on login, signup, or in the Help section of your Picturepark, or contact your partner directly.

Browser compatibility

Browser compatibility

Picturepark only requires a web browser and works as per the browser compatibility matrix below. The content platform will let you know if your browser is incompatible and advise you to download a compatible browser.


Browser Version




Chrome (latest)


Tested on Windows 10


Firefox (latest)


Tested on Windows 10


Edge (latest non-chromium)


Tested on Windows 10


Edge (latest chromium)


Tested on Windows 10


Safari (latest)


Tested on Mac OS Big Sur

Please note that even browsers declared to be compatible with some minor inconveniences for certain browser versions and/or platforms cannot be excluded and are not subject to warranty. Please also consider that IT policies and new minor browser versions might restrict certain features required from working properly.

We strongly encourage you to use a Picturepark test system before purchase to validate compatibility with your specific web browser version and network settings.

đź’ˇ A message is displayed when a user opens Picturepark with an unsupported browser.

The support for Edge v18 (latest non-chromium) was dropped in March 2021, following Microsoft’s support procedure.

Credits and third-party software

Credits and third-party software

The Picturepark Content Platform uses and includes third-party software, software libraries, and components that come with their own terms. Please ensure you agree with using the third-party software, software libraries and components, and their corresponding licenses before using the software. The Picturepark Content Platform uses third-party components with and without modification to their source. A full list of these is available in the Help Section of each Picturepark or on request.

Deployment information

Personal Data Protection (GDPR)

Personal Data Protection (GDPR)

The Picturepark Data Processing Agreement (DPA) defines how we, as Data Processors, process data as requested by Data Controllers, e.g., when providing the Picturepark Cloud Service or Professional Services. Note that the terms and agreements to which you and your organization are effectively bound when using Picturepark might differ if you purchased Picturepark via one of our partners or if the SLA or support is provided by a partner. In this case, please consult the terms displayed on login, signup, or in the Help section of your Picturepark, or contact your partner directly.

System limitations

System limitations

Some limitations apply to ensure proper system stability and performance. 

  • The search query string size is limited to 2000 characters and not updated with additional filters that increase the number of characters. Please test your search query string before posting or sending it. 

  • Collections, which are used for purposes such as editing operations, are limited to 100,000 items. When starting an edit operation for a significantly higher quantity of items, the UI shows a message that the actual selection is too big. Editors can only edit the first 100,000 contents in one operation. The editor can decide whether to continue with 100,000 items or cancel the operation. Consider the Excel Roundtripping App for updates to more than 100,000 items. 

  • Batch Editor displays only 100 layers, permission sets, owners, or virtual items each for editing. 

  • The creation of a share is limited to a max of 1000 items. For publications larger than 1000 items, use the Picturepark Content Portal microsite. 

  • Removal of calculated values in text and translated text fields requires batch editing of affected values. You cannot disable the calculated value setting to remove calculated values on List Items or Content Items.

  • Exact searches for text and translated text fields are limited to 8191 characters (32766 bytes, text on two A4 pages). If you search for larger text using the exact value syntax (" goes text up to 8191 characters only.....") you will find the item but may also find other items as the search will consider values from other tokenized analyzers. 

  • AI Tagging in Picturepark can either return focal points (regions with names) or concepts (keywords/tags). It is not possible to configure both tagging options for the same instance; you can only have one or the other.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.