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Projection Transformation

The ProjectionTransformation takes all values of a list and applies the configured transformation to each item e.g. take each tag from auto-tagging and match it against the keyword list to later assign all keywords in the descriptive information. 

Example input of group: [ "Adult", "Männlich", "Male", "Erwachsen" ]


  1. TakeDictionaryValue → "Adult", 2 LookupCache → refId = 123456...

  2. TakeDictionaryValue → "Männlich", 2 LookupCache → refId = 579192...

The output of this group: [ "123456...", "579192... ]

Then you can take the refIds as expected values for AssignTagActions and tag your content with them. 

Specific Definitions






A nested list of transformations that will be applied to each item of a list.

Find AutoTagging Matches and for each tag find the refId

These refIds will be added to the keywords fields in the Business Rule Action.

	"transformationGroups": [
			"inputs": [
			"transformations": [
					"kind": "TakeDictionaryValueTransformation",
					"key": "autoTagging",
					"traceRefId": null
					"kind": "TakeDictionaryValueTransformation",
					"key": "matches",
					"traceRefId": null
					"kind": "ProjectionTransformation",
					"transformations": [
							"kind": "TakeDictionaryValueTransformation",
							"key": "_refId",
							"traceRefId": null
					"traceRefId": null
			"storeIn": "matchedKeywords",
			"traceRefId": null
	"actions": [
			"kind": "AssignTagboxItemsAction",
			"path": "eventLayer",
			"fieldId": "keywords2",
			"refIds": "$matchedKeywords$",
			"replace": false,
			"traceRefId": null

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