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Field Value Changed Condition

The condition Field Value Change checks if a value in a specific field changed e.g. Check if the checkbox "LegalConcerns" changes which may require the removal of the content. This does not cover any changes to the field itself.

(lightbulb) Triggers the moment the value in the fieldpath changed to any value (leave "expected value" empty) or a specific value (provide it as "expected value"). 

This condition is also used to check for XMP values of the file, as this field in Picturepark is updated with the file’s XMP values on upload.

	"kind": "FieldValueChangedCondition",
	"fieldPath": "xmpMetadata.dc.creator",
	"expectedValue": null,
	"traceRefId": null

Specific Definitions

Select the condition.







Details on accessing field values, specifically fieldpath starts lowercase

Supports JSON path syntax which you can test here:

expected value

can be left empty, allows providing the expected value of the field after it was changed (e.g. check if stopPublication (checkbox) changed to true).

Provide the value in the correct format for the field provided, text as text, numbers as numbers: 

  • text as string in quotation marks "value"

  • number as number 1235

  • ariables in curly brackets { "fieldid":"value"}

Did Tagbox Product Change to product X?

	"kind": "FieldValueChangedCondition",
	"fieldPath": "productInformation.stopPublication",
	"expectedValue": {
		"name":"my product X"

Did Checkbox Change to True?

	"kind": "FieldValueChangedCondition",
	"fieldPath": "productInformation.stopPublication",
	"expectedValue": {

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