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Permission Cheat Sheet

Find here the desired function inside the matrix of User Role Permissions and Content Permission Set / Schema Permission Set Permissions 

User Role Permission Manage Metadata Schemas

User Role Permission Manage List Items

User Role Permissions Manage Content

User Role Permissions Manage Content and Manage Transfer

Create layer, list, fieldset, relationship, Virtual type schemas

Import contents

Schema Permission View

Get schema Index Fields i.e to be able to add the schema's fields to a channel filter or in the list items in the UI.

Export schema & list items (layer, list, fieldset, relationship, virtual type)

Schema Permission Manage Items

Create/update/delete/restore list items
Import list items using a json file
Import list items using an excel file

Create virtual Item (permission on virtual type schema)

Schema Permission Manage Schema

  • Update/delete schema (layer, list, fieldset, relationship, virtual type)

  • Add fieldSet/tagbox/relationship field to a schema (schema permission view on the referenced schema)

  • Import schema as json (layer, list, fieldset, relationship, virtual Type)

  • Transfer schema ownership (target user must also have the user role permission Manage schemas)

Content Permission View

  • View content item

  • Download content item file (all formats except the original)

  • Download/view thumbnail of a content item

Content Permission View +

Content Permission Access Original

(or View and access original combines both the above)

  • View content item

  • Download content item file (all formats except the original)

  • Download/view thumbnail of a content item

  • Download Original

Content Permission Edit Metadata

Content Permission Replace File

Replace the original file of the content item

Content Permission Manage Permissions

Update content permissions
Transfer content ownership (target user must have user role permission Manage content)

Content Permission Delete

Delete content (UI and API)

Restore content (API only)

Schema Permission View + Content Permission Edit Metadata

View values of a layer assigned to a content

  • Add/Remove layer on a content (schema permission View on the layer schema)

  • Edit layer values of a content (schema permission View on the Layer schema)

  • Assign list item values to a tagbox field of a layer (schema permission View on the layer schema + schema permission View on the List schema of the tagbox)

  • Unassign list item values from a tagbox field of a layer (schema permission View on the layer schema + schema permission View on the list schema of the tagbox)

  • Add/edit/remove fieldset and relationship values to a layer of a content (schema permission View on the Layer schema. All fieldsets and relationship schemas have the View for All assigned, so no check performed over them is compliant to the permission model)

  • Assign/remove a content item in a relationship field of a layer of a content item (schema permission View on the layer schema + content permission View on the target content item.

Content Permission View + Content Permission Access Original

Download content item in the original file format

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